Sunday, April 10, 2011

We are living in LA

Here is the google street view of our house:

It's nice. Our room is big and has no furniture in it aside from a mattress and a decorative bottle of washing liquid we put in the corner as conversational pop art. Also, there is a puppy our roommate is dogsitting this week. PUPPY!!!

Now people, you need to look at this photo, hard:

That is an actual, real life FLAT WHITE. In America, this is like seeing Santa riding a unicorn down your street.

We live near good coffee, nothing else in life matters. I can have a flat white! I saw a crazy lady doing a poo in the street at 10:30am... who cares! WE LIVE NEAR GOOD COFFEE. 

And it came with one of these! That's Pistachio, baby. PISTACHIO.

We haven't been seeing much at the moment (if you don't count the poo lady), just applying for jerbs on the internet. Colin landed a camera position on a feature film that starts shooting in two weeks, unpaid as usual, but still exciting. Also, I wrote to the guys who host the HP Lovecraft Podcast and they are interested in taking me on as an intern! *faint* I also took on another film reviewing job for a UK entertainment website to keep me busy while I'm not doing Podcast things. 

That, sir, is the Hollywood sign. You can almost see it from our house.

Noodle Kugel I made. All the ingredients were available, so it tasted right for a change!

Old Spice varieties for Mandrew (in "Fiji" and "Matterhorn")

That is all for now,

I hope you are all well and no crazy people are defecating in your streets.



  1. I would have liked to see the lady taking a poo.

  2. I can't believe that you didn't take a photo of the poo. In fact, at first I thought you had until I read the pictachio blurb underneath. Hey sounds like things are working out but lets hope some income comes your way soon.

  3. Both Sherwin and my mum are poo crazy. Good times :)

    PS Mum: our camera is messing up for some reason so I am having trouble skyping you. I'll try again next time you're online.

  4. Ahh, I will disown you two as friends if you don't send me at least Old Spice Fiji.

    I am bouncing around like a child at the moment.
