Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out and about in Silverlake and ROWENAfest '11

Down? Out? Missing your Rowena?

We sure were, but then we found a little place where people like us could go. It's called the Rowena Reservoir. Rowena wasn't there, but we certainly felt her presence.

Speaking of attractive Germans, we made friends with two of them who owned a German sausage restaurant.

This is their sausage.

And this is what we look like, in case you've forgotten since a couple of weeks ago. We are on our way to the Vista to see Hanna, which we will later enjoy very much. 

Colin, outside some interesting trees beside Silverlake Reservoir. We are all about the Reservoirs here.

Yes Nina, we found a Twinkie. It was disgusting. 

And now for something completely different. I will leave you with this:

Yes, yes I think I did mean that.


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