Thursday, April 14, 2011

Santa Monica!

We went to Santa Monica for my HPLLP interview, which went well I think. I managed to burn off most of my taste buds with very hot green tea, but did not spit it across the table comically. So currently I have no taste buds, and this of course means now is the time to finally try Taco Bell.

So, in Santa Monica we found a cool Asian desert cafe!

Now here's a thing. Sunnybank, baby, you know I love you, but I tried an American Pearl Milk Tea and BOY! Was it great! They use real milk, not powdered. They also make these things...

It's a warm, soft, coffee bun full of melted butter. Oh my.

Wayne Durack, this one is for you. IT'S A LION IT'S HUGE!

Now I could go on about how pretty Santa Monica is all day, but instead here are some photos:

Lazy work-out. The shameful truth is I can't lift my own body weight.

"Come awwn!"

And of course, here come the food photos:

Not so mighty now, are we Cthulhu?

Lobster! A more pleasant experience than my last lobster dinner in Panama. Hopefully fewer parasites this time :-/

A grand day out! I am looking forward to having visitors so we can take them to get massive Coffee buns and milky milk teas. I believe Clare and Simon are first cab off the rank. 

Today we went to Book Soup, which is an amazing bookstore that I am never allowed to go to again. Spent waaaay to much. Bought waaaay to much. 

New Fables. New Machen and Lovecraft. That comic at the front "Strange Embrace" is the most disturbing and eerie comic I've ever read. Beautiful. 

Look how great Colin's new copy of Frankenstein is! Daniel Clowes did the cover.

Adding the promotional sticker from The Woman in Black to Everybody Poops, with hilarious results!

After that we explored some more, and had some decent Mexican.

Holiday ro-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oad!

Sexy advertising poses for Mexican Coke. (It's good like Australian coke, nothing but cane sugar!)

Burritos. Unattractive but tasty! 

Anyhoo, that was a big post. Hope you hung in there to see that Everybody Poops Daniel Radcliffe bit. That was a funny thing I did and I'd hate for you to miss it. 




  1. I'm sorry but that strip of dinosaurs is some of my favourite things about old S.M.

  2. I knew it would be
