Friday, April 22, 2011

New horrors from

Colin is shooting this movie all around LA at the moment, he leaves very early and comes home at around 10pm. From what I understand it's like Black Swan meets High School Musical with more of an indie rock vibe. He's making heaps of contacts and doing some important camera roles. While he's doing this I'm at home working on research for the podcast episode for At The Mountains Of Madness... and buying eldritch things on Amazon.

Check it- just came in the post now!

That's a children's version of At The Mountains Of Madness based on The Polar Express.

I never thought I'd see the Plateau of Leng in a children's book. Yet here it is.

Now I just wait a couple of years, then have some children I can read it to. Kenneth Hite has done some others too which I will most definitely be purchasing, after slogging through some 'serious' books about HPL it's nice to kick back with some humorous ones. 

In other news we bought a super cheap car off a German girl who was being forced out of the country (as we soon will be should no one give Colin a paying job). It's the same car Robocop drives, so that's something. I want to drive to Ad Hoc in the Napa Valley for dinner, but I fear neither Colin nor the car will make the eight hour drive. 

I saw Insidious at the movies... alone... as in not just without Colin, but without anyone else in the cinema. I was freaked out. Great movie until the last 20 minutes, I recommend. 

The blog is going to be a bit dull till Colin finishes this movie. My day consists of cleaning things, cooking things, reading and researching, exercising and drinking coffee. Not exactly blog worthy. I was in PJ's until 12 today. Now I'm wearing a pair of Colin's pants because I couldn't be assed thinking of what to wear. 


1 comment:

  1. Always remember, any news is good news. Have a great Easter you 2.
