Sunday, April 24, 2011

I see dead people... and I eat a breakfast burrito!

Colin's first day off from shooting. He's making a movie starring ERIC "Magic Sunglasses" ROBERTS! In my eyes, he's already 'made it' in Hollywood.

This morning we went back to Square One, because it was pretty good. They had an Aussie barista on! He made me the best flat white I'd had since March 20, so I had another and had the coffee jitters all day.

Colin's baked eggs 

And my breakfast burrito

While we were there I saw Natalie Portman, all full of baby. Colin missed his big chance and she walked away. Now he'll never hold her like Anakin did one night by the river of Naboo.

After breakfasting, we went to see the long-awaited Museum Of Death. The lady at the desk made us look at photos of a hit and run to make sure we could stomach the rest of the tour.

No photography inside, but I'm not sure any of you would have wanted to see photos of inside anyway.

We saw John Wayne Gacy's paintings and Serial Killer trading cards (like in The Addams Family Values!). And a whole lot of gory dead folk in various stages of decomposition. My favourite sections were the serial killers and the religious cults. They had a room dedicated to Heaven's Gate complete with mannequins under blankets wearing matching Nikes! And Jonestown Grape Cool-aide. OH YEAH!

Colin 'enjoyed' (not exactly the word) the Black Dahlia exhibit. Then Colin got queasy and I got morose, and we both decided the only person we'd ever go there with again was Spencer.  It was a cool (but gross) day out.

On the way:

Posing with our favourite Star Trek-ers

Dinosaur: Ancient enemy of Man

Gene Roddenberry and Colin. There were other stars too, not related to Star Trek, but who cares.


  1. Very jealous of your day, the Museum and breakfast burrito in particular.

  2. Not so jealous of the museum of death or seeing a pregnant woman (even if it was Natalie Portman). I see pregnant people all the time! :P - Crab of Doom

  3. Oh, you guys! Am brimming with equal quantities of love and envy.

  4. Glad to see that the dreaded Irish potato famine never reached U.S soil judging by all those breakfast shots. It also seems as if Hollywood has just as many dinosaurs as they do movie stars, but be wary, both can take your head off and then you too will be an exhibit in the museum of DEATH!

  5. Fantastic!!! Love the S-Trek related star stars. You guys can come back and live w me anytime...
