Monday, April 25, 2011

Makin' videos, Eatin' curly fries. Word.

Hey Brooke and Colin! Happy One month and one week in The Land Of The Free... COKE RE-FILLS!

America! F*** yeah!

Hanging out in Hollywood with Kane and James this afternoon! Our first visiting friends having a stopover in LA on the way back to Brisbane!

The only other couple we know who have stuffed animal children.



Rush and Journey are pretty much beside each other! Like in my CD rack! Oh man. 

We spent the rest of today putting together a video resume for Colin's job application. The finished results are here:



Sunday, April 24, 2011

I see dead people... and I eat a breakfast burrito!

Colin's first day off from shooting. He's making a movie starring ERIC "Magic Sunglasses" ROBERTS! In my eyes, he's already 'made it' in Hollywood.

This morning we went back to Square One, because it was pretty good. They had an Aussie barista on! He made me the best flat white I'd had since March 20, so I had another and had the coffee jitters all day.

Colin's baked eggs 

And my breakfast burrito

While we were there I saw Natalie Portman, all full of baby. Colin missed his big chance and she walked away. Now he'll never hold her like Anakin did one night by the river of Naboo.

After breakfasting, we went to see the long-awaited Museum Of Death. The lady at the desk made us look at photos of a hit and run to make sure we could stomach the rest of the tour.

No photography inside, but I'm not sure any of you would have wanted to see photos of inside anyway.

We saw John Wayne Gacy's paintings and Serial Killer trading cards (like in The Addams Family Values!). And a whole lot of gory dead folk in various stages of decomposition. My favourite sections were the serial killers and the religious cults. They had a room dedicated to Heaven's Gate complete with mannequins under blankets wearing matching Nikes! And Jonestown Grape Cool-aide. OH YEAH!

Colin 'enjoyed' (not exactly the word) the Black Dahlia exhibit. Then Colin got queasy and I got morose, and we both decided the only person we'd ever go there with again was Spencer.  It was a cool (but gross) day out.

On the way:

Posing with our favourite Star Trek-ers

Dinosaur: Ancient enemy of Man

Gene Roddenberry and Colin. There were other stars too, not related to Star Trek, but who cares.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mandrew Mart

On my weekly trip to the pharmacy--where I wander around trying to work out where things are for ages then get frustrated and leave without buying leg wax or whatever it is this week that's not where it's supposed to be-- I came across this little gem. It's only a few blocks from where we live but today is the first time I'd noticed it (despite the fact a caveman is fighting a robot in the window display).

Echo Park Time Travel Mart, or as it shall now be called: Mandrew Mart

Evidence to support it's name change

They sell all kinds of crazy stuff, like pill bottles full of fluorescent jellybeans marked "Time Travel Sickness Pills" on beautifully designed labels and "Robot Milk" which was an old fashioned milk bottle full of sugar crystals with a great retro label.

Fridge full of fresh Dinosaur Eggs

They also had an employee of the month wall with Carl Sagan on it. And a selection of 1930's hats and pencil thin moustaches. I bought a Grace Kelly hat, I do not magically look like Grace Kelly when I put it on.

Anyway Mandrew, this one is for you buddy. If we have to come back in June I'll bring you some stuff from there fo' sho'. 

Nanu Nanu, 


Friday, April 22, 2011

New horrors from

Colin is shooting this movie all around LA at the moment, he leaves very early and comes home at around 10pm. From what I understand it's like Black Swan meets High School Musical with more of an indie rock vibe. He's making heaps of contacts and doing some important camera roles. While he's doing this I'm at home working on research for the podcast episode for At The Mountains Of Madness... and buying eldritch things on Amazon.

Check it- just came in the post now!

That's a children's version of At The Mountains Of Madness based on The Polar Express.

I never thought I'd see the Plateau of Leng in a children's book. Yet here it is.

Now I just wait a couple of years, then have some children I can read it to. Kenneth Hite has done some others too which I will most definitely be purchasing, after slogging through some 'serious' books about HPL it's nice to kick back with some humorous ones. 

In other news we bought a super cheap car off a German girl who was being forced out of the country (as we soon will be should no one give Colin a paying job). It's the same car Robocop drives, so that's something. I want to drive to Ad Hoc in the Napa Valley for dinner, but I fear neither Colin nor the car will make the eight hour drive. 

I saw Insidious at the movies... alone... as in not just without Colin, but without anyone else in the cinema. I was freaked out. Great movie until the last 20 minutes, I recommend. 

The blog is going to be a bit dull till Colin finishes this movie. My day consists of cleaning things, cooking things, reading and researching, exercising and drinking coffee. Not exactly blog worthy. I was in PJ's until 12 today. Now I'm wearing a pair of Colin's pants because I couldn't be assed thinking of what to wear. 


Monday, April 18, 2011

Breakfast at Square One and Millies

Ah, going out to breakfast. Favourite pass time for privileged white people everywhere.

Yesterday we went to Square One which is supposed to be pretty great. It was good. Not exactly the greatest, but pretty good. The best breakfast I've had in LA, easily.

Pics or it didn't happen:

The views, people! The views!

The day before we went to Millies. Millies was not very good. Nice cat, crap breakfast.

Wait... is that Martin Lorente??? I thought he was supposed to be in Italy.

OTHER celebrities sited so far:
Maggie Gyllanhaal (awesome)
Kirstie Alley (Not obese)
Also, Colin is currently shooting a film that stars Angela from Twilight.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Santa Monica!

We went to Santa Monica for my HPLLP interview, which went well I think. I managed to burn off most of my taste buds with very hot green tea, but did not spit it across the table comically. So currently I have no taste buds, and this of course means now is the time to finally try Taco Bell.

So, in Santa Monica we found a cool Asian desert cafe!

Now here's a thing. Sunnybank, baby, you know I love you, but I tried an American Pearl Milk Tea and BOY! Was it great! They use real milk, not powdered. They also make these things...

It's a warm, soft, coffee bun full of melted butter. Oh my.

Wayne Durack, this one is for you. IT'S A LION IT'S HUGE!

Now I could go on about how pretty Santa Monica is all day, but instead here are some photos:

Lazy work-out. The shameful truth is I can't lift my own body weight.

"Come awwn!"

And of course, here come the food photos:

Not so mighty now, are we Cthulhu?

Lobster! A more pleasant experience than my last lobster dinner in Panama. Hopefully fewer parasites this time :-/

A grand day out! I am looking forward to having visitors so we can take them to get massive Coffee buns and milky milk teas. I believe Clare and Simon are first cab off the rank. 

Today we went to Book Soup, which is an amazing bookstore that I am never allowed to go to again. Spent waaaay to much. Bought waaaay to much. 

New Fables. New Machen and Lovecraft. That comic at the front "Strange Embrace" is the most disturbing and eerie comic I've ever read. Beautiful. 

Look how great Colin's new copy of Frankenstein is! Daniel Clowes did the cover.

Adding the promotional sticker from The Woman in Black to Everybody Poops, with hilarious results!

After that we explored some more, and had some decent Mexican.

Holiday ro-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oad!

Sexy advertising poses for Mexican Coke. (It's good like Australian coke, nothing but cane sugar!)

Burritos. Unattractive but tasty! 

Anyhoo, that was a big post. Hope you hung in there to see that Everybody Poops Daniel Radcliffe bit. That was a funny thing I did and I'd hate for you to miss it. 



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out and about in Silverlake and ROWENAfest '11

Down? Out? Missing your Rowena?

We sure were, but then we found a little place where people like us could go. It's called the Rowena Reservoir. Rowena wasn't there, but we certainly felt her presence.

Speaking of attractive Germans, we made friends with two of them who owned a German sausage restaurant.

This is their sausage.

And this is what we look like, in case you've forgotten since a couple of weeks ago. We are on our way to the Vista to see Hanna, which we will later enjoy very much. 

Colin, outside some interesting trees beside Silverlake Reservoir. We are all about the Reservoirs here.

Yes Nina, we found a Twinkie. It was disgusting. 

And now for something completely different. I will leave you with this:

Yes, yes I think I did mean that.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Room


"Bed" (mattress on floor) spruced up with some awesome Mexican day of the dead flags and Monkey.

Makeshift furniture and Michael Jackson

The only real shelf we have.


Artwork by local Silverlake artist Mr Toast 

Riley (or as I like to call her "R'yleh")

And that's the end of our tour, please try to not cheat on your hardworking husband Johnny. He really is the greatest guy ever. Also, if your name is Danny than selling drugs is not the way to make money. 

Till next time, remember you are my rose, and all apologies to anyone who hasn't seen The Room and doesn't get any of this- just enjoy the dog picture and ignore me. 
